Manage Workplace Stress course

A short course to help you flourish and enjoy work better

This short course is one of my core specialisms - integrating mindfulness at work to reduce stress, increase productivity and build better teams. I work with some great organisations and have had great results, both for individuals and for the business as a whole.

Although the  materials here can be viewed any time, I strongly recommend that you start by taking the 6-week Foundation course, so that your developing skills can be brought to bear in a workplace environment.

The course shows why this is a huge area of stress for most of us; how hybrid can be accommodated; how to manage workload pressure; how to communicate well with colleagues to avoid conflict and lead to better team working; and how to run a mindful meeting.

Workplace stress is an epidemic, but remember that stress is something we create internally: how we react to external events is learned, and we can re-learn new responses. Yes, old dogs can learn new tricks!

If you're looking for team or group training for your workplace, see our sister site Mindful Work.

Buy now - £57

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