Mindfulness members' sessions Autumn 24
Gratitude practice:
• be thankful for simple things as we wake up, like being alive!
• take more time to notice the positives around us in the daytime
• communicate our thanks to other people when they support us
• towards the end of the day, write down or reflect on the main things that we noticed which supported us, and be thankful for them
Audio from 18th Oct
Short interconnection meditation
Discussion on gratitude
Internal gratitude meditation 18 mins
Short external gratitude contemplation
Advance notice for Spring/Summer terms and retreat
Dates for Spring term: Jan 6, 20, Feb 3, 17, Mar 3, 17, f2f Mar 29th full day;
Summer term: Apr 28, May 19, June 2, 30, July 7, 21; retreat June 6-10th
Notes from 4th Oct:
- catastrophising and repeated negative thoughts, are reaction patterns that we have developed some time ago, that strengthen each time we react in the same way - but they may be out of date and no longer appropriate
- the antidote is to take a few seconds to centre and come home to the body, frequently
- you might also reflect again on the analogy of the sky and clouds, noticing the invulnerability of the sky (your mind) whatever the nature of the clouds (experiences)
- it may be helpful to develop a mantra that resonates for you, such as saying to yourself 'calming' on the in-breath, and 'letting go' on the out–breath
- gratitude practice first thing in the morning, is a helpful way of generating authentic positivity that will resonate during the day
Meditation on the breath with mantras
Gratitude meditation on waking
T'ai Ji videos password TJ20
Smile practice audio
The 10 second re-boot
Meditation on space
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