Mindfulness membership scheme
Supporting you to develop your practice and bring it into your life
Dates for Spring term: Jan 6, 20, Feb 3, 17, Mar 3, 17, 29th full day (at Maitreya House); – total cost £95 (£65 without the day retreat). Numbers will be limited to the first 15 to join.
If you can't make the day retreat pay here.
You can also now book for the June 2025 retreat.
The membership programme includes:
- fortnightly online classes, in three ‘terms’ each year of 6 sessions
- each class will be a stand-alone session of 90 minutes, with an overall theme for the term
- suggested reading and links to support the classes or theme (which could be inspired by Buddhist or other spiritual practices, but we’ll keep our practice and discussion secular)
- a WhatsApp group so we can share practice-related experience and questions, and follow up on the sessions
- practice half-days or longer, so we can meet and chat over a coffee and cake, and you’ll be the first to be able to get a place on my retreats (usually twice a year)
- access to a host of online resources on my website including courses that are normally pay-to-access (worth £282)
- the membership will be paid for termly in advance at £65, plus £20/£35 for the half-day/full-day meet up
What people are saying about the programme:
'I'm finding the sessions hugely beneficial. I am now meditating daily and find myself increasingly experiencing mindful moments.'
'I've used the sleep meditations on the web resources. This week I managed to fairly easily fall back to sleep after waking in the early hours by doing the body scan. Hoorah!
I feel generally more energised and have noticed that I'm waking earlier than usual.'
The sessions work well for me. I definitely appreciate meditating in a group.'
'I find myself practicing just as I’m going about my day eg considering what is my mind and where do my thoughts come from. Without the guidance I might read a bit of this and that and try to do it all here and there, not really focusing or developing any one thing. It’s been good going that bit deeper.'
'I really enjoy the meditations where you take me a little out of my comfort zone for example being aware of being aware. That step back can be unnerving but also gratifying to be able to get past the ‘woah’ and experience the other side where the peace is.'